When I first got to Jacksonville it was Florida/Georgia weekend, I went to the festivities downtown and enjoyed a day reliving my college life. I was working for the recruiting station for the 2 weeks that I was here just taking in as much as I could before I leave. Of course I had a great time and I'm sorry if I didn't get to see you this time, but next time I'm in the states I'll see you!
So onto the very weekend I wanted to write about...BEAR CREEK! Oh the music, the art, the people, the nature, the lack of rude people, and electronics. I've been rejuvenated, I feel the artistic side for the first time in 7 months, I WANT to draw, or paint and that is such a good feeling. There was all kinds of everybody there. Hippies, rednecks, rockers, old people, young people, gypsies...everybody. They gave yoga classes in the morning and hoola hoop lessons. Music started around 11:00 am, for a lot of people it never ended.
Next stop on leave Lake county. Till then
~*Peace, love n chicken grease*~