Hey y'all, back to send out an update like usual :)
I'm 9 weeks into AIT! I'm doing pretty good, I think student loans are probably the worst thing that happened to me. Anyhoo, I GOT MY FIRST TATTOO!!! It's a dream catcher, with a cocopelli, and my last name. The dream catcher for anything terrible that happens in my in the future years, the cocopelli for good luck, and my last name so I never forget where I come from or who I am. I'm so glad I came out so beautiful too.
I've made it 9 weeks here!!!! Hopefully only 8 left and I can go to my permanent duty station and be in the real army!!!
The other night our bays were not up to standard so we got the ever living crap smoked out of us, and the picture of my uniform is what it looked like half way through the session, then I remembered my profile and I got up called it quits. Well......I'm living my life about as 100% as it gets. I just want everyone to know I'm doing great.
~Peace, love n Chicken Grease~
Let's see.......I'm 2 weeks into the 2nd part of AIT, we have one sergeant who tells us all kinds of crazy stories but has some pretty useful information, I'll have enough college credits to get an AA in computer science and technology or something like that after a few more years I'll be able to get a bachelors in computer tech, and I'm still trying to finish my degree in advertising. I don't know how I feel about medicine again, I don't think that's going to happen. Oh well, there's more that I can learn about doing all this than just doing medicine and being an officer.
Hey kiddo Keep up the good work. We are all proud of you and Keeping good thoughts in our minds and hearts for you.:)