When I first got to this oh so wonderful country I was a little upset. It was gray cloudy and it seemed a bit dismal to me. As we drove through the city it was just utter amazement. As I stayed in the next few places, everything grew on me, the smell, the relatively dismal appearance. As I always do I found something pleasant about this place, something we don't have where I come from, mountains. Now on a good clear day the sun beams down on them and shadows of the clouds make them seem like an old country western movie except with beautiful grass a trees there are military vehicle and kimchi factories. I'm enjoying, more than anything, being in a different country, however, it doesn't always feel like that living in little America on the army post. It's nice to go out and really soak up the country.
I've tried a lot of different food, most of the time I just want American food, and even that is meager. I'm fairly blessed to have wonderful friends back in the states who support me and keep in touch with me, I'm very veryyy blessed to have my family and even more the friends who are becoming my family here.
Work is AWESOME! I love what I do and how getting dirty is apart of my everyday job. I love doing the typical army things, putting up tents and cots, carrying a weapon and I even like the ruck marches every Friday, even though they KILL me. I don't want to retire out of the military but it's nice to know I can, and I might if I love my job for the next few years as much as I do now.
The night life is absolutely insane here, oh my gosh, person after person after person, and the Koreans are huge on drinking! They drink every night, and they drink soju, which is a brain killer for sure. You can be going somewhere at noon and they smell of alcohol from the night before, insane compared to the states.
I did some research on elevation, in Jacksonville they are 5ft above sea level and good ol' Lake County we're only 7ft, here I'm 2765ft above sea level, it kills me on runs! hahaha.
When I first got here I thought this website was in Korean, don't ask how I finally figured out it's not. haha. OH the weather, it's cold, but it's finally in the 40's about every day and I have to say I'm loving it!!! I can't wait for 60's!!! They say it's the coldest here in years, yay the Florida girl got to experience it. I witnessed my very first ever protest! There had to have been at least 65 Korean police and about 15 protesters, but they had such a good reason to be hating us, a 20 year old male had gotten drunk went into a home of a 68 year old woman and 75 year old man and attempted to rape the woman and beat the couple. It's people like him that make us look bad, and this is why the older generation doesn't even appreciate us being here. It wasn't a very dangerous protest so stop worrying mom. HAH!
I do believe I have told you all I could
~*Peace Love n Chicken Grease*~
Friday, March 11, 2011
Monday, November 15, 2010

When I first got to Jacksonville it was Florida/Georgia weekend, I went to the festivities downtown and enjoyed a day reliving my college life. I was working for the recruiting station for the 2 weeks that I was here just taking in as much as I could before I leave. Of course I had a great time and I'm sorry if I didn't get to see you this time, but next time I'm in the states I'll see you!
So onto the very weekend I wanted to write about...BEAR CREEK! Oh the music, the art, the people, the nature, the lack of rude people, and electronics. I've been rejuvenated, I feel the artistic side for the first time in 7 months, I WANT to draw, or paint and that is such a good feeling. There was all kinds of everybody there. Hippies, rednecks, rockers, old people, young people, gypsies...everybody. They gave yoga classes in the morning and hoola hoop lessons. Music started around 11:00 am, for a lot of people it never ended.
Next stop on leave Lake county. Till then
~*Peace, love n chicken grease*~
Thursday, October 14, 2010
you can take care of that ant later...
For the first time in 16 weeks I pick up an M16, it's 2am and Tuesday morning, I'm cold and grumpy. We get our orders to stand in line, put out the cigarettes and stand there with a piece of paper that is not to "bend, roll, or fold". Some man in sweat pants and a t-shirt starts yelling at us, he's a got a squeaky voice and a loud speaker, he is NOT a civilian...he's a sergeant and you better not mess that title up. So I walk in the building regurgitate a bunch of information and there lies an M16 in my hands...smelling just like it did in basic.
Of course I didn't get to strut my stuff with it because I had to go to the clinic to achieve ultimate stabbing. 18 times to be exact! The small pox shot is 15 times, anthrax, typhoid, and hep A2. So now I'm all immunized and ready for KOREA!
The next day I got to go to school with my nice new weapon did I love it? YES! I got to sit in a HUMVEE all day and program a radio, we had like a 3 hour break and just relaxed. The next day at school we played war, I was the commander....I didn't do anything. The most action I got to see was when one of my battle buddies held up a "bomb" (which was really two bottles of hand sanitizer taped together) and said she was going to blow us all up, I jumped on her and threw it out the door. I would say I was a winner. Haha!
I'll be out on the field Monday through Friday, doing the same thing I did this week...I can't wait! I'm so ready to get out of here!
Graduation is October 27th, I'm hoping a lot of friends and family come up, but not too many really, I want it to be small and full of love. hahahahahaha...How cheesey ;)
~*Peace love n Chicken Grease*~
Of course I didn't get to strut my stuff with it because I had to go to the clinic to achieve ultimate stabbing. 18 times to be exact! The small pox shot is 15 times, anthrax, typhoid, and hep A2. So now I'm all immunized and ready for KOREA!
The next day I got to go to school with my nice new weapon did I love it? YES! I got to sit in a HUMVEE all day and program a radio, we had like a 3 hour break and just relaxed. The next day at school we played war, I was the commander....I didn't do anything. The most action I got to see was when one of my battle buddies held up a "bomb" (which was really two bottles of hand sanitizer taped together) and said she was going to blow us all up, I jumped on her and threw it out the door. I would say I was a winner. Haha!
I'll be out on the field Monday through Friday, doing the same thing I did this week...I can't wait! I'm so ready to get out of here!
Graduation is October 27th, I'm hoping a lot of friends and family come up, but not too many really, I want it to be small and full of love. hahahahahaha...How cheesey ;)
~*Peace love n Chicken Grease*~
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I've been in the army for ALMOST 6 months now!
I can't say that I dislike this new life that I've created, or the lifestyle in which I live. It's structured, clean, healthy, pays well, and I have a future...in fact I might love it, HAHA I wouldn't say that just yet, but I am getting along quite well. I'm proud of myself, not toot my horn, but sometimes you have to. :)
I'm ALMOST done with training! I didn't ALMOST pass my PT test; in fact I DID!!!
Just 3 weeks left of school, and a week of out processing. Time has gone by so fast, it doesn't even seem like 14 weeks. I'm waiting on orders now that I passed my E.O.C (end of course PT test). 27 push ups (I stopped after 27 to save energy for my run) 60 sit ups in 2 minutes, which isn't the best I have ever done, but it's close. 17:52 2mile run! It's the best time I've EVER gotten on a run and I haven't ran in some time due to my ankle problems, WHICH is not any better since I ran on it. I have a million appointments to make before I leave but that's alright. :)
I've made the decision to do a road trip Columbus day weekend. I'm driving to good ole Lake County, of course not without stopping at the old college to visit the sorority and friends, I can't wait!!! I'm also trying to find out if I will be making it home for Florida/Georgia this year, keep your fingers crossed. :)
On to another week of training until next time:
~*Peace, Love and Chicken Grease*~
I can't say that I dislike this new life that I've created, or the lifestyle in which I live. It's structured, clean, healthy, pays well, and I have a future...in fact I might love it, HAHA I wouldn't say that just yet, but I am getting along quite well. I'm proud of myself, not toot my horn, but sometimes you have to. :)
I'm ALMOST done with training! I didn't ALMOST pass my PT test; in fact I DID!!!
Just 3 weeks left of school, and a week of out processing. Time has gone by so fast, it doesn't even seem like 14 weeks. I'm waiting on orders now that I passed my E.O.C (end of course PT test). 27 push ups (I stopped after 27 to save energy for my run) 60 sit ups in 2 minutes, which isn't the best I have ever done, but it's close. 17:52 2mile run! It's the best time I've EVER gotten on a run and I haven't ran in some time due to my ankle problems, WHICH is not any better since I ran on it. I have a million appointments to make before I leave but that's alright. :)
I've made the decision to do a road trip Columbus day weekend. I'm driving to good ole Lake County, of course not without stopping at the old college to visit the sorority and friends, I can't wait!!! I'm also trying to find out if I will be making it home for Florida/Georgia this year, keep your fingers crossed. :)
On to another week of training until next time:
~*Peace, Love and Chicken Grease*~
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The end of TRADOC
TRADOC - training doctrine, the army's way of torturing people. BUT 5 more weeks and it's over and I never have to do it again!!!! As long as they need radios and antennas I will have a career in the military :) 1 good thing.
5 weeks left. The includes 2 more classes at this school, then a week at what they call SIB, which is basically putting everything I have learned in the past 15 weeks together, then capstone, or "the FOB!" Which is going to be 5 days with no phone, no internet, no connection with the world, barely showers and a lot of dirt and sleepless nights! I'M SO READY FOR IT! We get issued M16's again, and we get to shoot them!!!! That's the part I am most looking forward to.
However, I am not ready to part ways with some of the people I have met here, especially the ladies I came from basic with....I have so much history with them and I could trust just about everyone of them with my life. The 3 males I have become so close to, especially lou-lou, I'm going to cry when I have to leave him. As times change so do people, so perhaps things will get better with the next place I go.
As to where I am getting stationed, I have no idea, it's all still up in the air, I'm still really hoping I get Ft. Carson, in Colorado!!!
My damaged ankle from basic training has been causing me a few problems, and due to walking funny on it, my foot is bothering me. I should be feeling better in no time, if I keep walking as little as possible and wrapping it every day. :)
I'm finally starting to pay off my student loans, and that is the worst feeling in the world, just being broke all the time....TERRIBLE! However it feels good to get rid of those, $60,000 in 2 years is absolutely outrageous, I'm so glad I have the army now. haha!
Anyhoo, it's bed time for me and probably for you, so good night to all and to all a good night!
~*Peace, love and Chicken Grease*~
5 weeks left. The includes 2 more classes at this school, then a week at what they call SIB, which is basically putting everything I have learned in the past 15 weeks together, then capstone, or "the FOB!" Which is going to be 5 days with no phone, no internet, no connection with the world, barely showers and a lot of dirt and sleepless nights! I'M SO READY FOR IT! We get issued M16's again, and we get to shoot them!!!! That's the part I am most looking forward to.
However, I am not ready to part ways with some of the people I have met here, especially the ladies I came from basic with....I have so much history with them and I could trust just about everyone of them with my life. The 3 males I have become so close to, especially lou-lou, I'm going to cry when I have to leave him. As times change so do people, so perhaps things will get better with the next place I go.
As to where I am getting stationed, I have no idea, it's all still up in the air, I'm still really hoping I get Ft. Carson, in Colorado!!!
My damaged ankle from basic training has been causing me a few problems, and due to walking funny on it, my foot is bothering me. I should be feeling better in no time, if I keep walking as little as possible and wrapping it every day. :)
I'm finally starting to pay off my student loans, and that is the worst feeling in the world, just being broke all the time....TERRIBLE! However it feels good to get rid of those, $60,000 in 2 years is absolutely outrageous, I'm so glad I have the army now. haha!
Anyhoo, it's bed time for me and probably for you, so good night to all and to all a good night!
~*Peace, love and Chicken Grease*~
Friday, August 27, 2010
fast flying time

Hey y'all, back to send out an update like usual :)
I'm 9 weeks into AIT! I'm doing pretty good, I think student loans are probably the worst thing that happened to me. Anyhoo, I GOT MY FIRST TATTOO!!! It's a dream catcher, with a cocopelli, and my last name. The dream catcher for anything terrible that happens in my in the future years, the cocopelli for good luck, and my last name so I never forget where I come from or who I am. I'm so glad I came out so beautiful too.
I've made it 9 weeks here!!!! Hopefully only 8 left and I can go to my permanent duty station and be in the real army!!!
The other night our bays were not up to standard so we got the ever living crap smoked out of us, and the picture of my uniform is what it looked like half way through the session, then I remembered my profile and I got up called it quits. Well......I'm living my life about as 100% as it gets. I just want everyone to know I'm doing great.
~Peace, love n Chicken Grease~
Let's see.......I'm 2 weeks into the 2nd part of AIT, we have one sergeant who tells us all kinds of crazy stories but has some pretty useful information, I'll have enough college credits to get an AA in computer science and technology or something like that after a few more years I'll be able to get a bachelors in computer tech, and I'm still trying to finish my degree in advertising. I don't know how I feel about medicine again, I don't think that's going to happen. Oh well, there's more that I can learn about doing all this than just doing medicine and being an officer.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My new life....
9 weeks of basic and 3 weeks of AIT later and I decide to update my life, only by request, I knew it would be coming eventually. So this is dedicated to my dear LC. :)
I've been through basic training at the wonderful FT. Sill, in the terrible state of Oklahoma. In the middle of what I would call dry season. I discovered 3 things about Oklahoma in the months of April through June, it's always windy, the stuff there is GIGANTIC, and the sky is beautiful at all times. It's hot, so hot, and I joined the fighting force that doesn't roll their sleeves up, so it's hot in a shirt, pants, boots, knee high wool socks, and a jacket, in fact, imagine marching 4 miles in 30 minutes with a ruck sack, a water source and a weapon, in full uniform...death doesn't even explain the way something like that feels, it's a horrible horrible tease as to what death can be, infact. Truth of the matter is; basic combat training of the army was AWESOME! I never expected to have any form of fun once so ever, and to enjoy nearly every moment that I had, be it good or bad, is so amazing, it changed my life, my attitude, I didn't think I would change at all, but the truth of the matter is that I'm still who I was before, just an American Soldier, dedicated, and determined, motivated and proud.
I've done something that most people only dream of, and I truly am proud, it's not been an easy path, that's for sure, but yes; fun and excited. Now being in A.I.T where they aren't as strict about all the little things, as they were in basic, I'm even more proud, no I don't have as much fun (mainly because I'm not shooting that weapon), but I do make it a good time.
Augusta Georgia has to be the oven of America, it is just so baking hot, all the time...Oklahoma never got this hot. So! Here I am learning what my MOS is all about, and 25U, is all about electronics, I almost wish I would have known that before, I probably wouldn't have picked it. This is soooo not my fourte, but I'm trying and giving it my damnedest attempt for sure.
Needless to say I am loving my new life and I can't wait to be done with all of this training!!!
~Peace love -n- chicken grease~ :)
I've been through basic training at the wonderful FT. Sill, in the terrible state of Oklahoma. In the middle of what I would call dry season. I discovered 3 things about Oklahoma in the months of April through June, it's always windy, the stuff there is GIGANTIC, and the sky is beautiful at all times. It's hot, so hot, and I joined the fighting force that doesn't roll their sleeves up, so it's hot in a shirt, pants, boots, knee high wool socks, and a jacket, in fact, imagine marching 4 miles in 30 minutes with a ruck sack, a water source and a weapon, in full uniform...death doesn't even explain the way something like that feels, it's a horrible horrible tease as to what death can be, infact. Truth of the matter is; basic combat training of the army was AWESOME! I never expected to have any form of fun once so ever, and to enjoy nearly every moment that I had, be it good or bad, is so amazing, it changed my life, my attitude, I didn't think I would change at all, but the truth of the matter is that I'm still who I was before, just an American Soldier, dedicated, and determined, motivated and proud.
I've done something that most people only dream of, and I truly am proud, it's not been an easy path, that's for sure, but yes; fun and excited. Now being in A.I.T where they aren't as strict about all the little things, as they were in basic, I'm even more proud, no I don't have as much fun (mainly because I'm not shooting that weapon), but I do make it a good time.
Augusta Georgia has to be the oven of America, it is just so baking hot, all the time...Oklahoma never got this hot. So! Here I am learning what my MOS is all about, and 25U, is all about electronics, I almost wish I would have known that before, I probably wouldn't have picked it. This is soooo not my fourte, but I'm trying and giving it my damnedest attempt for sure.
Needless to say I am loving my new life and I can't wait to be done with all of this training!!!
~Peace love -n- chicken grease~ :)
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